I was unable to get online and the Tech Pro fixed the problem immediately.
- V.H.
The tech was great - explained all the steps to me in easy tech terms.
- Jimmy R.
I so appreciate having someone that knows what they are doing and can login remotely and deal with my computer issues. It’s worth every penny!
- Fam P.
I use Support.com when I simply can not find any other solution. The tech was wonderful, helpful, knowledgeable and efficient! That's what I call support!
- A. G.
My computer was hacked and being held ransom. The Tech Pro was able to get in and not only resolve that issue but clean up a variety of attacks from other places.
- Meriam
Support.com has been a virtual life saver. Real professionals. Very pleasant to work with and a calm understanding attitude that inspires confidence.
- W. W.
I have had support.com for years. They explain everything having to do with your computer, smart phone, or even smart watch. Support.com is worth the membership.
- Anne
I was unable to get online and the Tech Pro fixed the problem immediately.
- V.H.
My computer was hacked and being held ransom. The Tech Pro was able to get in and not only resolve that issue but clean up a variety of attacks from other places.
- Meriam